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Address class to store address of object


Bases: QueryableMixin, BaseModel

Represents an address in the system.

Attributes: resource (str): The resource/connection name. class_name (str): The class name. class_version (Versions | str): The class specific version or LATEST/ALL. object_id (str): The object id. object_version (Versions | str): The object specific version or LATEST/ALL.

is_full property


Checks if the address is fully specified.

Returns: bool: True if the address is fully specified, False otherwise.

from_string classmethod


Creates an Address instance from a string representation.

Args: cls (type[AddressType]): The class type. address (str): The string representation of the address.

Returns: AddressType: The Address instance created from the string.

Raises: ValueError: If the resource name is not specified in the address.

set_version classmethod


Validates and sets the version for class_version and object_version fields.

Args: cls (type): The class type. version_id (str | Versions): The version identifier, which can be a string or a Versions enum.

Returns: str | Versions: The validated version identifier.

Raises: ValueError: If the version_id is a string that cannot be converted to a Versions enum.



Converts the Address instance to its string representation.

Returns: str: The string representation of the Address instance.



Converts the Address instance to a query. Args: prefix (str, optional): The prefix for the query fields. Defaults to ''. Returns: Q: The query object.