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amsdal_glue_core.commands.mutation_nodes.SchemaCommandNode dataclass

Represents a node in the schema command tree.


Name Type Description
command SchemaCommand

The schema command to be executed.

result list[Schema | None] | None

The result of the schema command execution.

amsdal_glue_core.commands.mutation_nodes.DataMutationNode dataclass

Represents a node in the data mutation tree.


Name Type Description
mutations list[DataMutation]

The list of data mutations to be applied.

result list[list[Data] | None] | None

The result of the data mutations.

amsdal_glue_core.commands.transaction_node.ExecutionTransactionCommandNode dataclass

Represents a node in the transaction command tree.


Name Type Description
command TransactionCommand

The transaction command to be executed.

result Any | None

The result of the transaction command execution.

amsdal_glue_core.commands.lock_command_node.ExecutionLockCommand dataclass

Bases: Operation

Represents a node in the lock command tree.


Name Type Description
action LockAction

The lock action to be executed.

mode LockMode

The lock mode to be used.

parameter LockParameter

The lock parameter to be used.

locked_object LockSchemaReference

The object to be locked.

result Any | None

The result of the lock command execution.

amsdal_glue_core.queries.schema_query_nodes.SchemaQueryNode dataclass

Represents a node in the schema query tree.


Name Type Description
schema_name_connection str

The name of the schema connection.

filters Conditions

The conditions to filter the schema query.

result list[Schema] | None

The result of the schema query execution.

amsdal_glue_core.queries.data_query_nodes.DataQueryNode dataclass

Represents a node in the data query tree.


Name Type Description
query QueryStatement

The query statement to be executed.

result list[Data] | None

The result of the data query execution.

amsdal_glue_core.queries.data_query_nodes.FinalDataQueryNode dataclass

Represents a node in the final data query tree.


Name Type Description
query FinalQueryStatement

The final query statement to be executed.

result list[Data] | None

The result of the final data query execution.

Final Data Query Statement

These data classes are used in FinalDataQueryNode and represent the final query statement with all the necessary information to execute the query.

amsdal_glue_core.queries.final_query_statement.FinalQueryStatement dataclass

Represents the final query statement.


Name Type Description
table QueryStatementNode

The main table for the query.

only list[FieldReference | FieldReferenceAliased] | None

The fields to select in the query. Defaults to None.

annotations list[AnnotationQueryNode] | None

The annotations for the query. Defaults to None.

aggregations list[AggregationQuery] | None

The aggregations for the query. Defaults to None.

joins list[JoinQueryNode] | None

The join conditions for the query. Defaults to None.

where Conditions | None

The where conditions for the query. Defaults to None.

group_by list[GroupByQuery] | None

The group by conditions for the query. Defaults to None.

order_by list[OrderByQuery] | None

The order by conditions for the query. Defaults to None.

limit LimitQuery | None

The limit for the query. Defaults to None.

amsdal_glue_core.queries.final_query_statement.QueryStatementNode dataclass

Represents a node in a query statement.


Name Type Description
alias str

The alias for the query node.

query_node DataQueryNode

The query node associated with this statement.

amsdal_glue_core.queries.final_query_statement.AnnotationQueryNode dataclass

Represents a node for annotation queries.


Name Type Description
value QueryStatementNode | ValueAnnotation | ExpressionAnnotation

The value of the annotation query node, which can be a query statement node or a value annotation.

amsdal_glue_core.queries.final_query_statement.JoinQueryNode dataclass

Represents a node for join queries.


Name Type Description
table QueryStatementNode

The table to join.

on Conditions

The conditions for the join.

join_type JoinType

The type of join. Defaults to JoinType.INNER.