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amsdal_glue.SchemaCommand dataclass

Bases: Operation

Represents a schema command operation.


Name Type Description
mutations list[SchemaMutation]

The list of schema mutations to be applied.

amsdal_glue.AddConstraint dataclass

Bases: ChangeSchema

Represents an add constraint mutation.


Name Type Description
constraint BaseConstraint

The constraint to be added.

amsdal_glue.AddIndex dataclass

Bases: ChangeSchema

Represents an add index mutation.


Name Type Description
index IndexSchema

The index to be added.

amsdal_glue.AddProperty dataclass

Bases: ChangeSchema

Represents an add property mutation.


Name Type Description
property PropertySchema

The property to be added.

amsdal_glue.ChangeSchema dataclass

Bases: SchemaMutation

Represents a schema change mutation.


Name Type Description
schema_reference SchemaReference

The reference to the schema to be changed.

amsdal_glue.DeleteConstraint dataclass

Bases: ChangeSchema

Represents a delete constraint mutation.


Name Type Description
constraint_name str

The name of the constraint to be deleted.

amsdal_glue.DeleteIndex dataclass

Bases: ChangeSchema

Represents a delete index mutation.


Name Type Description
index_name str

The name of the index to be deleted.

Bases: ChangeSchema

Represents a delete property mutation.

Attributes: property_name (str): The name of the property to be deleted.

options: docstring_style: google show_source: false show_root_heading: true merge_init_into_class: false group_by_category: false

amsdal_glue.DeleteSchema dataclass

Bases: ChangeSchema

Represents a schema deletion mutation.

amsdal_glue.RegisterSchema dataclass

Bases: SchemaMutation

Represents a schema registration mutation.


Name Type Description
schema Schema

The schema to be registered.

amsdal_glue.RenameProperty dataclass

Bases: ChangeSchema

Represents a rename property mutation.


Name Type Description
old_name str

The current name of the property.

new_name str

The new name for the property.

amsdal_glue.RenameSchema dataclass

Bases: ChangeSchema

Represents a schema rename mutation.


Name Type Description
new_schema_name str

The new name for the schema.

amsdal_glue.UpdateProperty dataclass

Bases: ChangeSchema

Represents an update property mutation.


Name Type Description
property PropertySchema

The property to be updated.