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We are a data engineer focused research group developing an integrated set of Python tools designed to solve the data management requirements that we have faced on countless projects, but always needed to build from scratch, and making them available to developers and data scientists everywhere!


AMSDAL Glue is a flexible, lightweight, yet powerful, opensource Python ETL library designed to separate your analytics, application, or ORM from its data, allowing you to operate on multiple databases or other data stores simultaneously through a common interface, using SQL, Python objects, or custom parser, query and command planners.


AMSDAL's BaseModel, uniquely designed to handle immutable data (i.e. schema and object history), automatically integrates with any AMSDAL Glue connection, and instantanesouly provides a developer with validated Python classes for any table or container in any data store, in addition to providing traditional ORM functionality such as ability to implement hooks, transactions, querysets and migrations.


AMSDAL's out-of-the-box RESTFull API, can be automatically served from any AMSDAL Model

CLI, Deployment & Cloud Services

A powerful developer tool that enables you to create, update, migrate your AMSDAL Models, run a local test HTTP server for your API, manage your secrets, environments, deployments and their security.

Data Management Console

An out-of-the-box frontend that integrates with AMSDAL API providing developers with a simple console to view, filter, edit, execute transactions and otherwise manage their data